Friday, August 27, 2010

Educating Girls Matters

As a former middle school teacher, I am passionate about education. I'm always excited about initiatives that seek to improve the quality of education worldwide. A new resource to help do just that has been launched called Educating Girls Matters

As chronicled in Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's book, Half the Sky, education is one of the most effective ways to combat gender inequality around the world.

Speaking Matters LLC, which created this website, launched this initiative to "help potential donors find news and organizations that help educate girls/women." The website is also an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about organizations that may need volunteers locally or abroad. Educating Girls Matters is not only a public service, it addresses a growing need for more information about the challenges we need to be overcome in order for girls all over the world to receive a meaningful education.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Real Garbage of New Jersey

Tom Szaky, founder of Terracycle, who was featured in Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties, has continued to expand his business that runs on the motto that "There is no such thing as garbage." 

Szaky and his team at Terracycle are featured in new episodes of their series "Garbage Moguls" this Saturday night on National Geographic. I know, it's Saturday night; TiVo it. The show follows the merry band of transformers as they conceive of and create products made from trash. Here is the schedule:

Garbage Moguls
Saturday, August 21st
Catch the re-airing of the pilot at 7:00pm, followed by three new episodes!
8:00 - "Pet Project"
Pedigree has challenged the TerraCycle team to create an entire line of pet products made from dog food bags in just two weeks. From leashes and collars to doggie rain hats and octopus toys, the team crashes on developing, creating, testing and then pitching the goods.

9:00 - "Fishy Business"
The TerraCycle team develops the “Garbage Garbage Can” — a garbage can made from chip wrappers that is less expensive and just as strong as commercial plastic cans — they pitch to Home Depot. Additionally, they design, create and use fishing lures made from old CDs, then test their product on the open seas.

10:00 - "All-Nighter"
Multitasking at its finest — the TerraCycle team renovates, designs, stocks and opens a storefront for business … in one night! Back at the office, there’s no rest for the weary, as Tom tasks his crew to create an entire line of products, including a suit jacket, made from Target plastic bags!

Friday, August 13, 2010

National Park Fee? Free!

This weekend, the price of admission is certainly right for a visit to any of the country's amazing national parks. Here is a list of participating National Parks by state. Find one and go.

At Olympic National Park - Not during the free weekend but definitely worth the $15 entrance fee.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Website 2.0 and Kindle Edition

The book is now available in a Kindle edition, so those of you waiting for the paperless version should grab a copy now!


The updated website is live! The website has all of the same resources as before, but the businesses and organizations section has been greatly expanded and is much easier to navigate. All of the organizations and businesses mentioned in Ten Ways are now listed on the website by category as well as many others. We will continue to update this database as we learn about and try out new organizations and businesses. 

In addition, my speaking schedule is now listed along with links to our Facebook page and my Twitter feed. Our endeavors to make the world a better place are a constant work in progress, and we are now even easier to reach thanks to the new contact form. Please email with thoughts, suggestions, speaking inquiries, and anything else that's on your mind.