Saturday, July 17, 2010

Well, Now What?

With the oil spill now capped (assuming everything holds), the assessment of the full extent of the devastating damage begins. Many environmental organizations were already active in the Gulf long before the oil spill, and their commitment to the region and to the cleanup efforts is unwavering.

Donations and volunteers will be needed for months and even years to come. The Waterkeeper Alliance has launched the Save Our Gulf Campaign, which follows the efforts of the Gulf Waterkeepers. Consider making a donation to their efforts or to the efforts of the many worthy organizations working in the Gulf that I wrote about in the previous post.

One of the most important actions we can all take is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels; check out My Gulf Action to find easy ways to do just that.

With all of the devastating reports and pictures rolling in it is easy to feel discouraged, but there are simple actions we can all take to hold those responsible accountable and to help with the cleanup.

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