Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hot Summer Clothes? No Sweat!

One of my favorite environmentally and socially conscious directories has done it again! Coop America has put together a list called “9 Ways to Avoid Sweatshops”coopamerica. In it, you can find everything from men’s undies to bath towels that are produced without using labor from sweatshops.

As an added bonus, most of these companies are also environmentally friendly (the two tend to go hand in hand after all), and many of the websites from Coop America have links to other environmentally and socially conscious designers. For example, a virtual trip to (#7 on the list) yielded an entire page of designers that purse designer Allison Teich loves. You could be done shopping for that new socially conscious summer wardrobe in a day.

My new assistant Charlotte and I are heading into New York City soon to check out some of these designs in person. We'll keep you posted on our adventures in sustainable fashion hunting, and please let us know what you find as well. Contact Us

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