Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't Lose Your Chance to Choose

Whether all you can talk about is Thursday night's debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden or how excited you are about Tina Fey's impression of the Katie Couric/Sarah Palin interview, be sure that on November 4th you are able to do more than just banter about your ideal election outcome.

October 4th is actually the last day to register to vote online in a few states, and deadlines in other states are fast approaching. Dates vary by state, so log onto the Rock the Vote Election Center to find your polling place and check registration deadlines (many states will let you register in person after the online date has passed). This is an especially helpful resource if, like me, you have a). just moved, or b). lost that handy postcard they send you once you are registered...(I'm sure it is on my desk somewhere).

Not sure if you are registered yet? Whether you are planning on voting for Obama or not, his campaign has created an excellent tool to check on the status and location of your registration. At Vote for Change you can:

  • Register
  • Confirm your registration
  • Find your polling place
  • Apply for an absentee ballot
Checked everything off the "ready to vote" list? Why not volunteer at a phone bank to get out the vote for your candidate? These are critical days, and there are many candidates in tight races that could use your help. Simply go to the websites of your favorite candidates, and click on the links to volunteer and/or donate.

We are almost a month away from what could very well be the most important election of our lifetime - make sure you voice is heard!

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