Monday, March 1, 2010

Climate Change and Clean Energy in 72 hours?

The Senate is currently negotiating a bipartisan clean energy and climate bill. Dozens of environmental organizations including The Sierra Club, 1Sky, and Repower America have teamed up to make it easy for you to contact your Senators about this bill during these crucial next few days.

Simply visit any of the websites listed above and enter in your zip code, or call the Repower America hotline (1-877-9-REPOWER) in order to obtain your Senators' contact information.

Many of the organizations are also providing talking points for your call. Here are the suggestions from the Sierra Club:



  • We desperately need help to jump start our economy and create jobs -- and a clean energy and climate bill can help us do it. We've waited long enough -- the clean energy economy is passing us by. We are losing ground to China and India and losing jobs here in America.

  • I've seen how our dependence on foreign oil puts our soldiers at risk, hurts our economy, helps our enemies and endangers our security. We need to stop sending a billion dollars a day overseas for oil. Some of that oil money goes to countries that support the terrorism we are fighting across the globe.

  • I want you to do something about Climate Change -- now. If we don't do something, our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences. They'll have to deal with rising sea levels, stronger storms, increased famine and droughts and more threats to our national security.
I want my senator to act now to pass clean energy and climate legislation. Not next year – NOW.

Will the senator support strong, clean energy and climate legislation?

Thank you.

No matter how you decide to contact your Senators, visit one of the participating websites and log your calls. Momentum is building, and it's never been easier urge your Senators to pass crucial clean energy and climate change legislation.

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